Synopsis of the July 13, 2010 Meeting

Matt Zaborsky read the new rules for public comments while Ron Berger showed us the table for political and other non-GOCA information. Chuck Graefe shared the testimony votes for ZTA 10-07, and Barbara Falcigno and Ellen Bogage stressed the importance of contacting council members and getting the issue into a PHED meeting. Melinda Peters, ICC Director, gave us an update on the ICC progress. Kate Mazzora and SHA staff members read and responded to GOCA’s improvement and mitigation ideas for safety, the environment, and traffic Mr. Zaborsky had sent them. During committee reports Arnie Gordon described a deer control report, and Ron Berger suggested GOCA have a coordinating group of three or four people to monitor the state and county construction in Olney. Later Mr. Berger gave information about the two debates described below, and Mr. Zaborsky shared and sought ideas for future meetings. Arnie Gordon would like the agenda to include resolutions that will be voted on. After discussing the conflict with the primary election, we voted to hold the meeting on 9/14/10, but the meeting will start at 8:00 and not have any special presentations.

Upcoming Events and Information:

07/26/10 – Debate between District 2 County Council candidates, Buffington REMAX Bldg Community Meeting Room, 7:00 p.m.

08/25/10 – Debate between District 14 Maryland House and Maryland Senate Democratic candidates, Sandy Spring Friends School

Sept. 3 – Close date of the hearing for ZTA 10-07