Synopsis of February 8, 2011 GOCA Meeting

Matt Zaborsky announced that the minutes would be a succinct summary of the meeting rather than a verbatim document.

Don Feltman and Ed Kubis of Olney Assistive Living Partners described the memory care building planned for the Church of Christ at Olney property under contract. Of brick and stone, the building will be divided into four communities of 16 residents and designed with dignity and respect for the residents and surrounding community. Ron Ladue of REMAX Realty, representing Church of Christ, helped answer questions.

Melinda Peters and Carla Julian of the ICC Project gave us an update of Contract A, which will open February 22, weather permitting, and be free until March 6. After the ICC is built, an office at I 370 and the ICC will be available for questions. Please see below post on the website for complete details.

Brad Branch introduced the Prometheus Radio Project, and Arnie Gordon suggested a committee be formed to determine its feasibility. Barbara Falcigno untabled the motion to make a $250 donation to the Olney Boys and Girls Club, and after careful deliberation GOCA Delegates voted against this motion. Arnie Gordon’s resolution to support the Montgomery County’s Organizational Reform Commission’s recommendation to merge the park police and county police was passed unanimously.

GOCA Awards

GOCA Citizen of the Year: B’nai Shalom Synagogue of Olney
Contribution to the Community winners were: Lydia Rappolt, Fred Teal and Deborah Wagner, and The Sandy Spring Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary
GOCA Worker of the Year: Ruth Laughner
GOCA Heritage Award: Ron Berger

Results of the Elections for the 2011 GOCA Leadership Team

Matt Zaborsky, President; Jodi Finkelstein, Executive Vice President; Ellen Bogage, First Vice President; Lori Wilen, Second Vice President; Theresa Robinson, Recording Secretary; Kathy Curtis, Corresponding Secretary; and Ruth Laughner, Treasurer.