Links for Information on Bus Rapid Transit

The Countywide Transit Corridors Functional Master Plan is a planning document that contains an examination of and recommendations for transit, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure that will help create complete transportation options in Montgomery County.

This document is being considered by the County Council and there are public hearings on September 24 & 26.

“The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy works with cities worldwide to bring sustainable transport solutions that cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce poverty, and improve the quality of urban life.” Their website offers background on BRT, how it works, and where it has been implemented (see Where We Work link).

Click here for the ITDP Report on its evaluation of Montgomery County’s bus rapid transit.

A motion from GOCA’s Transportation Committee to oppose funds or taxing districts to fund expansion of BRT to Olney was postponed at the September meeting to either the October or November meeting. Watch for upcoming agendas.