GOCA Awards Nominations

The character of a community is a reflection of the people that live and work there. Olney is such a special place because it is filled with so many people who care about Olney and are
willing to “get involved” and give something back to the community, each in their own way.

If you know of an individual or organization deserving recognition, give the community an opportunity to express our appreciation by filling out the 2012 GOCA Awards Nomination Form. Completed forms should be mailed to GOCA, PO Box 212, Olney, MD 20830 or brought to a GOCA meeting (2nd Tuesday of each month at Buffington RE/MAX Office Building, cialis insurance 7:30 pm). Deadline for submission: January 8, 2013.

The ceremony is
at Longwood Recreation Center on Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 2:00 pm.