Banner Policy

GOCA oversees the banners that are placed directly behind the Sherwood High School sign at the northeast corner of Georgia Avenue and Rt. 108.

NOTICE:  Please review this policy very carefully in its entirety.  We sincerely appreciate your understanding and continued support!


  1. Must be professional in appearance and have flow-through vents to avoid wind damage.
  2. Must be securely fastened, tight enough to prevent significant movement.
  3. Must be removed immediately at the end of permitted time or they will be taken down by GOCA and a minimum fine of $25.00 will be imposed.
  4. May have a maximum size not to exceed 4 feet (high) X 14 feet (wide).  Larger banners cannot be hung due to certain requirements and space restrictions.

GOCA will charge a $15/day administrative fee.   All funds collected are earmarked for intersection maintenance.  Payments should be sent to the address listed below under Banner Requests, item 5.

GOCA reserves the right to remove and dispose of any sign that has been placed without approval, becomes unsightly, or exceeds its approved time.  GOCA has no liability for hanging the banners and no responsibility once these banners are hung.

Banner requests:

  1. May be submitted only by a non-profit, community-based organization and  pertain only to  Olney Community public events, per our agreement with Maryland SHA.
  2. May not be of a nature that GOCA considers to be advertising.
  3. May be submitted using the form below, or directly via email to, a minimum of 30 days prior to desire placement date.
  4. Banner space is on a first come, first served basis.  You must specify the dates requested (up to 5 consecutive days, schedule permitting), include the email address and contact telephone numbers by the person/organization making the request, and detail your banner’s message in its entirety. It is subject to GOCA approval.
  5. Must be paid for in full before placement will be confirmed and your banner can be hung.  Please send payments to: GOCA BANNERS, P.O. Box 212, Olney, Md. 20830
  6. May be for a maximum of 5 days. Requests for sequential times can not be accommodated.
  7. You may, subject to our approval, use the space up to 4 times per year.

Thank you,

Jeff Duce, Treasurer

To request a banner placement please check the schedule and submit the following information:

Banner Request