Synopsis of January 11, 2011 GOCA Meeting

Arthur Holmes, Jr., Montgomery County Director of Transportation, gave us an update on the progress of the ICC and told us there will be a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on the ICC. The first county road to have a BRT will likely be Viers Mill Road. The county has adopted the Transportation Policy Area Review (TPAR) to identify future transportation solutions and Mr. Holmes emphasized that his task is to serve the community. Mr. Holmes, Fred Lees, and Bob Simpson answered our many traffic questions.

Committee reports included Civic Federation land use concerns, and Arnie Gordon wrote a resolution that GOCA support Bill 60-10, Erosion and Sediment Control, but the resolution was withdrawn.

The results for the GOCA leadership team will be announced at the February 8th meeting. Candidates selected by the nominating committee were accepted at the January 11 meeting with no further nominations. The candidates and the positions for which they are running are:

1. Matt Zaborsky – President

2. Jodi Finkelstein – Executive Vice-President

3. Ellen Bogage – First Vice-President

4. Lori Wilen – Second Vice-President

5. Theresa Kyne Robinson – Recording Secretary

6. Kathy Curtis – Corresponding Secretary

7. Ruth Laughner – Treasurer