April 2024 Meeting Materials

The March meeting will take place on 4/09/2024 at 7 pm at 17921 Brooke Road, Sandy Spring, MD (Oak Room, second floor), or by Zoom.

  1. April Agenda
  2. Zoom Link
  3. March Minutes (draft)
  4. Bowie Mill Road Bikeway project
  5. Daniel Rubenstein’s bio: one of the original members of the GOCA Transportation Committee when it was formed in 2015. Has been working on the Bikeway project ever since.
  6. Kathleen Donodeo’s bio
  7. Proposed North High Street Extension
  8. Attainable Housing Strategies Initiative
  9. Maria Bender’s (representative of Brookville Knolls HOA) notes from attending the public listening session on 3/21/24.